Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Baby it's cold outside

The last few months of my life have come at a good price - unfortunate things that have happened, endless amounts of work I have been given to do and the good old money situation. And whilst everything's been going on, I've been hugely neglecting my blog.

BUT I've found some inspiration, and YES, it's that same old conversation about the weather!

It sure is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. It's now 4th December, the temperature's fair plummeted, we've seen snow and there's been Christmas compilation CD's played through the city for the past 4 weeks. If that's not enough to get you in the Christmas spirit, then I don't know what is.

I'm genuinely concerned about the temperature however, I can't cope with how cold it is and it's starting to seriously affect my life! I don't want to go out nor in fact even leave my flat at any time of the day!

On the plus side of it all, today is Christmas shopping day. And, I WILL wear as many layers as I can fit under my coat. Brrrrr