Most of the time it's based on who we know and how many digits we have on our latest bank statement. And just some of the time it's luck we can thank.
No matter how you got there, or how you're planning to, you somehow made it and won't ever look back. But what if you're stuck in limbo? Stuck between two hard places: the unplanned life you lead now and the bright lights of your perfect career. To you, basically life and death.
There are no words in the English dictionary (cover to cover) strong enough to stress the sheer frustration and panic when you can't find the front door, or a way in the door. Not even a toe in the door, nevermind a foot. You've not got the funds to pay your way in and you don't know anybody on the other side.
So it's all down to you. I can only describe it as being stuck in a big square hallway. The type of hallway you expected to have loads of doors and corridors coming off it. You once thought you'd arrive and be spoilt for choice on which path to take. But when you arrived it was a completely sealed room. No routes. No doors. No options.
They say good things come to those who wait...nothing's going to come of sitting, and waiting, in an empty room. Good things come to those who work for it.
So here's to finding a door. THE door. To get my foot in.