Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Ew, I'm a student. A real one.

Students are constantly receiving bad press. And I never thought I'd settle in to being one.

I'm in my second year now and I'd say I make quite a good student; I'm lazy, handle my hangovers like I used to nurse a runny nose, forget that I'm here to do a degree (I keep thinking I'm on a holiday camp) and eat baked beans. Yes, I started eating baked beans.

Who'd have thought it? Before I came here I was tidy, sensible and I didn't eat baked beans. My day was the range of a normal adult; I'd get up in the morning and go to bed at night (as is expected). But here, we rise at noon and I couldn't even give a time that we go to bed. It can range anything from 10pm (although not too often!) to as late at 5am. My body clock is all over the place.

Sean Kingston had it all too right in his recent song, 'I like to sleep all day and party all night'.

For example, right now, it's 1am and I'm sat up referencing an essay which is in for tomorrow morning. Ok, that's not partying, but I have had all day to do this. And weeks before today! 'Me' 2 years ago would have had it written, printed, proof read and re-proof read a week ago. I don't know how I ever worked without the pressure because now, I can only seem to work with pressure. Whether that's down to my reluctance to do the work in the first place, I don't know, but something is going wrong somewhere.

It'd only take one fail for me to realise I can't get away with it every time. But I always seem to pull out all the stops at the last minute, therefore I think it's always going to work in my favour.

And off I go...[let's hope this isn't the assignment to make me realise]...back to it.

Note to self: You're not at Butlins. You. Need. To. Pass. A. Degree!

1 comment:

  1. sums up my attitude too and i've only been here 9 weeks!! xxx
