Thursday, 10 January 2013

I'm growing (outwards)

It's been 9 days, 17 hours and 56 minutes since New Years Day ended. This usually means that we stop eating chocolate, sweets, pastries, chips, puddings and whatever else looks good enough to consent an expanding waistline.

My problem seems to be that I did 'think' about stepping back from the food and getting back on a diet, but the idea of it bored me. So, as a result of this, I haven't actually stopped eating yet - only for a few hours of sleep here and there.

My excuse is that there's still, what I like to call, 'christmas chocolate' left in the house and it would be ridiculous to go on a diet when there's non-diet food that needs to be eaten. Let's be honest, I'm finishing the goodies off purely for the fact that I don't like to waste food.


In fact, today's Daily Mail's cover story revealed that we throw away half of our food. Considering £10 billion worth of food is wasted, I'm glad I saved my 99p chocolate coins from the litter bin...

(My jeans are tighter than they were)

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