Saturday, 28 January 2012

Is a relationship just a job?

Thinking in to it, a lot more then I probably should have been, I came to the conclusion that relationships are like jobs. Having a boyfriend is very much like having a career.

But this isn't the same case when this person then becomes a husband or wife. In becoming the 'forever', they become more of a family member or a body part.

We go through life jumping from one relationship to another, going through exactly the same routine every time; the dates, the arguments, then the break-up. But, like a job, each one we go through gives us more experience and teaches us something; whether it's what 'not to do' next time, or just a quality we should look out for in our next. Although many jobs are only available to those of us with experience, a relationship is open to anybody. It's just that some struggle more than others to find them.

The application process is very much like the dating process also. A first date is very much like a job interview; it's the opportunity to learn about the other person and decide whether they're the right person. Because, at the end of the day, unless it's stated, a job and a relationship are both intended for the long-term, not the short.

The only way I'd say a career differs from a relationship is the 'get-out'. If someone were to hand me 4 weeks notice of the termination of our relationship, he'd be out the door in less than 4 minutes!

And this is why we should never mix work and pleasure; sleeping with your manager will only complicate things. Nobody can work two jobs in the same place at the same time.

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