Saturday, 7 January 2012

Just another day.

The news should come with a warning. Or, at the very least, an age rating.

Every day when we switch on the television, or open a paper, it's one bad story after another; attacks, stabbings, robberies or just one more scare-mongering story about the country heading even deeper in to economic crisis. Tell us something new!

Opening the Mirror today, page 3 was somewhat different to that of the one in our favourite 'comic' The Sun. It told a story which made me feel nervous, yet some people wouldn't bat an eyelid.

As I read about Tasmin Khan, the news anchor for Daybreak, I realised that nobody was safe in their career, nor in the world itself. And it's only too coincidental that whilst she worked to present bad news to the viewers, it was only a matter of time before she was at the receiving end of it. She's just one more person to be axed from her career in Broadcast; a career which she will have had to fight tooth and nail to succeed in. And that scares me. They claimed she was 'part of the old show which struggled, so she had to go'.

As I'm fast approaching the real world, it only seems to be getting tougher. It seems like it's survival of the fittest out there; it's a competition for your job, relationships and your livelihood. Even when you've succeeded, at the top of your game, you must ask yourself - 'How long will this last?'

And this is the point that I realise if I'm not going to enter the real world full throttle, full speed and with more energy than Jedward on drugs, then I may as well not enter at all.

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