Tuesday, 4 January 2011

If you're going to HOLD back, don't ever LOOK back

It’s not hard to miss an opportunity; in fact it’s easier to miss one than to accept one and follow it through. We’re often mislead by our minds when new doors open because of the fear that we associate with ‘new’. It’s the ‘fear of the unknown’.
Sometimes though, we just have to go for it; stop thinking so much and just throw ourselves in at the deep end. After all, what’s the point in holding back, missing the chance and then regretting it? Sure, it could all go wrong and we could regret even going there, but at least nobody can ever say you didn’t try.

One opportunity often leads on to another, and more often than not, yet another. So I guess we should ask ourselves, is it worth missing out for the sake of being too scared at not being able to see the outcome?
Change isn’t always for the good, nor always for the bad. It’s simply what it says on the packet: a change from the norm. But I think some kind of change is always good; you never hear anybody speak of their perfect life do you?
And that is exactly where the heart of it all is: nobody is ever fully satisfied with what they have or the life they live.

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