Sunday, 9 January 2011

Live every day like you're at your peak, but not like it's your last. And, stop competing with me.

As Lawrence Ferlinghetti clearly demonstrated in ‘Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful people in a Mercedes’, life is nothing but a competition. If I’ve scrimped and scraped for a 15 year old Fiesta, she’s just had a brand new Mini delivered on her driveway.
If I have £7.50, she has a tenner. And I’m getting tired of it.
As the competition steps up, life just gets tiresome. Effort. At what point are we at our peak? When won’t life get any better?  And why does nobody tell us when we’re at this time, so we can make the most of it and stop complaining for ten minutes?
For a moment, like the scavengers and the beautiful people, anybody can be held together; in space, time or even unintentionally. In time, we’re all as one, yet people’s attributes tear us apart as a community. The rich stick with the rich, and poor with the poor. Friendlies with the friendlies and bitches carry bitches; aside from those tag-alongs, too scared to get on the wrong side of them. We all have a character, a place, a group; it's just finding the right one for us.
Raymond Hithcock said, ‘a man isn’t poor if he can still laugh’. I’ll always be laughing – rich, poor, or wholly in debt.  

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