[Don't worry Hannah, i'll rock on down to Blackpool and sort her out!]
We all have that one person whom we can’t see eye to eye with – be it due to an argument, a disagreement, or just a general dislike. Some of us could probably provide a number of names, or even full-blown lists, of this relationship kind.
We all have that one person whom we can’t see eye to eye with – be it due to an argument, a disagreement, or just a general dislike. Some of us could probably provide a number of names, or even full-blown lists, of this relationship kind.
Often, having an enemy is just a walk in the park; something in the back of the mind – if in mind at all. But for some of us it’s something we’re constantly reminded of. Something that we seem to run from then find ourselves back where we started. You’d think after a considerable amount of time the slate would have been eroded clean and the two people have so much going on in life that it’d be a case of ‘each to their own’. But in some cases, at least those I’ve been involved with, there’s always one who’s ‘too good’; sat on a pedestal and too stubborn to give in. Often, it’s not even a case of giving in, it’s all about forgetting, not even forgiving, and making life easier for those stuck between the rut as if squashed between two book-ends. But I've learnt to diagnose it as the person on the other side needing to find more to life!
It always gets me how some people can be SO selfish and one minded. How can people only think about ‘number one’. I guess it advertises what type of person they are and stands a spectacle of jealousy that one person has over another.
On another note, it’s something we can laugh about. Some people need to find something to occupy them; move on and get a grip of life! At least I know I’ve always got people behind me, more than that of a party.
But we’ve got to remember; when taking a step back from the enemy, don’t step too far! Make it just enough so they don’t realise you’re there.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
well said :) xx